Hi everyone! Today I will write about how to make a moving wallpaper, that is not the same as everyone elses original wallpaper. And with a probability approaching 100% can tell you that none of your friend there is no! You like to be one step ahead? Then this post is for you. Go: As you know, Bill Gates, head of Microsoft, along with its operating system, wind in Russian, supplies images to the desktop (wallpaper), which do not move (Static), such as strength or Rhodendron, while the goal - to make a moving wallpaper. Once I sat on the site interesting character and looking at moving banner. I had an idea to do so on your desktop moving picture. Surely you too have seen running and jumping on the banners of their favorite sites, and so, your task is very simple - choose a picture. You need a picture with the extension *.
gif. Expansion is something that is after the last point in the file name, its more visible when you move the mouse on a picture file. So, keep it on my comp and then clicks the right mouse button on the desktop -> Properties -> Desktop tab -> Browse button, then select the desired picture (the one you saved) and in the dropdown menu, select the desired item (stretch, tile or center). Cool version of Tile. Then the entire desktop will dance and jump and be such a massive the same images on your desktop, how do the Chinese mass of people during their holidays. Good luck!